首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids >Plastic deformation and instability in thin walled tubes under combined loading: a general theory. Part II

Plastic deformation and instability in thin walled tubes under combined loading: a general theory. Part II


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This analysis concerns closed-ended tubes of circular section which are loaded by internal fluid pressure together with an external axial force. Theses may be applied in proportions that can be varied at will by servo-control during a single experiment. More generally it is envisaged that the servo-control can respond to changes in tube radius when these are monitored by a diametrical extensometer. A main objective is to determine how the choice of control affects the regime of homogeneous deformation. Another is to consolidate an understanding of the transition to inhomogeneous deformation mediated by eigenmodes. The general approach is along similar lines to part I and takes the analysis appreciably farther in important respects. The constitutive basis is broadly classical, but yield functions spanning the whole of stress space are not called upon, primarily because of the extreme scarcity of good experimental data. There are counter-balancing benefits from this abstention (i) the governing equations can be handled far more readily (ii) the structure of the mathematics as a whole is more transparent; (iii) the final conclusions are valid for materials whose path-dependent behavior is much more complex than can be accommodated by the simple theories reviewed in Part I.
机译:该分析涉及圆形截面的封闭式管道,这些管道通过内部流体压力和外部轴向力加载。这些可以以可以在单个实验中通过伺服控制随意改变的比例来应用。更一般地,设想当通过径向引伸计监测时,伺服控制可以响应管半径的变化。一个主要目的是确定控制的选择如何影响均匀变形的状态。另一个是巩固对本征模态介导的非均匀变形过渡的理解。通用方法与第一部分类似,并且在重要方面进行了可观的分析。本构基础大致上是经典的,但由于整个实验空间极度匮乏,因此并未调用跨越整个应力空间的屈服函数。这种弃权有一些平衡的好处:(i)可以更容易地处理控制方程式;(ii)整个数学结构更透明; (iii)最终结论适用于与路径相关的行为比第一部分中所讨论的简单理论所能容纳的复杂得多的材料。



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