首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics >On the Existence and Conditional Energetic Stability of Solitary Gravity-Capillary Surface Waves on Deep Water

On the Existence and Conditional Energetic Stability of Solitary Gravity-Capillary Surface Waves on Deep Water


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This paper presents an existence and stability theory for gravity-capillary solitary waves on the surface of a body of water of infinite depth. Exploiting a classical variational principle, we prove the existence of a minimiser of the wave energy E{{mathcal E}} subject to the constraint I=Ö2m{{mathcal I}=sqrt{2}mu}, where I{{mathcal I}} is the wave momentum and 0 < m 1{0 < mu ll 1} . Since E{{mathcal E}} and I{{mathcal I}} are both conserved quantities a standard argument asserts the stability of the set D μ of minimisers: solutions starting near D μ remain close to D μ in a suitably defined energy space over their interval of existence. In the applied mathematics literature solitary water waves of the present kind are modelled as solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic focussing nonlinearity. We show that the waves detected by our variational method converge (after an appropriate rescaling) to solutions of this model equation as m¯ 0{mu downarrow 0} .
机译:本文提出了无限深水体表面上重力毛细管孤立波的存在与稳定性理论。利用经典的变分原理,我们证明了在约束I =Ö2m{{mathcal I} = sqrt {2} mu}的约束下,波能E {{mathcal E}}的极小存在,其中I {{mathcal I }}是波动量,0 μ的稳定性:从D μ<开始的解/ sub>在存在的适当时间范围内,在适当定义的能量空间中保持接近D μ。在应用数学文献中,当前的孤水波被建模为具有三次聚焦非线性的非线性薛定ding方程的解。我们证明了用我们的变分方法检测到的波(经过适当的缩放后)收敛到模型方程的解为m 0 {mu downarrow 0}。



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