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Computing likelihoods for coalescents with multiple collisions in the infinitely many sites model


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One of the central problems in mathematical genetics is the inference of evolutionary parameters of a population (such as the mutation rate) based on the observed genetic types in a finite DNA sample. If the population model under consideration is in the domain of attraction of the classical Fleming–Viot process, such as the Wright–Fisher- or the Moran model, then the standard means to describe its genealogy is Kingman’s coalescent. For this coalescent process, powerful inference methods are well-established. An important feature of the above class of models is, roughly speaking, that the number of offspring of each individual is small when compared to the total population size, and hence all ancestral collisions are binary only. Recently, more general population models have been studied, in particular in the domain of attraction of so-called generalised Λ-Fleming–Viot processes, as well as their (dual) genealogies, given by the so-called Λ-coalescents, which allow multiple collisions. Moreover, Eldon and Wakeley (Genetics 172:2621–2633, 2006) provide evidence that such more general coalescents might actually be more adequate to describe real populations with extreme reproductive behaviour, in particular many marine species. In this paper, we extend methods of Ethier and Griffiths (Ann Probab 15(2):515–545, 1987) and Griffiths and Tavaré (Theor Pop Biol 46:131–159, 1994a, Stat Sci 9:307–319, 1994b, Philos Trans Roy Soc Lond Ser B 344:403–410, 1994c, Math Biosci 12:77–98, 1995) to obtain a likelihood based inference method for general Λ-coalescents. In particular, we obtain a method to compute (approximate) likelihood surfaces for the observed type probabilities of a given sample. We argue that within the (vast) family of Λ-coalescents, the parametrisable sub-family of Beta(2 − α, α)-coalescents, where α ∈ (1, 2], are of particular relevance. We illustrate our method using simulated datasets, thus obtaining maximum-likelihood estimators of mutation and demographic parameters.
机译:数学遗传学的中心问题之一是根据有限的DNA样本中观察到的遗传类型推断种群的进化参数(例如突变率)。如果考虑中的人口模型属于经典的弗莱明-维奥过程的吸引力范围,例如赖特-费舍尔或莫兰模型,那么描述其族谱的标准方法就是金曼的联合。对于此合并过程,已经建立了强大的推断方法。粗略地说,上述模型的一个重要特征是,与总种群数量相比,每个个体的后代数量都很少,因此所有祖先碰撞都只是二进制的。最近,人们研究了更通用的人口模型,特别是在所谓的广义Λ-弗莱明-维特过程的吸引域以及所谓的Λ-coalescents提供的(双重)族谱方面,多次碰撞。此外,Eldon和Wakeley(遗传学172:2621-2633,2006)提供了证据,这种更广泛的联盟实际上可能更适合描述具有极端生殖行为的实际种群,特别是许多海洋物种。在本文中,我们扩展了Ethier和Griffiths(Ann Probab 15(2):515-545,1987)和Griffiths和Tavaré(Theor Pop Biol 46:131-159,1994a,Stat Sci 9:307-319,1994b)的方法。 ,Philos Trans Roy Soc Lond Ser B 344:403-410,1994c,Math Biosci 12:77-98,1995)来获得一般Λ族的基于似然性的推断方法。特别是,我们获得了一种方法来计算(近似)给定样本的观察类型概率的似然面。我们认为在(大量)Λ族中,Beta(2 −α,α)族的可参数化子族,其中α∈(1,2]具有特别的相关性。模拟数据集,从而获得突变和人口统计参数的最大似然估计。



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