首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematical Biology >Evolution of the ancestral recombination graph along the genome in case of selective sweep

Evolution of the ancestral recombination graph along the genome in case of selective sweep


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We consider the genome of a sample of n individuals taken at the end of a selective sweep, which is the fixation of an advantageous allele in the population. When the selective advantage is high, the genealogy at a locus under selective sweep can be approximated by a comb with n teeth. However, because of recombinations during the selective sweep, the hitchhiking effect decreases as the distance from the selected site increases, so that far from this locus, the tree can be approximated by a Kingman coalescent tree, as in the neutral case. We first give the distribution of the tree at a given locus. Then we focus on the evolution of this tree along the genome. Since this tree-valued process is not Markovian, we study the evolution of the Ancestral Recombination Graph along the genome in case of selective sweep.



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