首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Surface modification of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) by magnesium amalgam

Surface modification of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) by magnesium amalgam


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Mg amalgam reacts with PTFE (foil or oriented film on Si) to give a thin surface layer containing MgF2 in a mixture with complicated, air-sensitive, carbonaceous product containing large amount of residual C-F bonds. The reaction does not propagate into the bulk polymer, which, consequently, retains its white color even after hundreds of hours of reaction at 150 °C. These findings contrast with the reactivity of PTFE with amalgams of alkali metals, Li, Na, K. The differences are interpreted, in terms of the electrochemical model of amalgam carbonization, as blocking of charge (e−/Mg 2+) propagation through the modified layer. AFM patterns show that the Mg-treatment increases the surface roughness. The molecular-level ordering of PTFE films is strongly perturbed by the action of Mg-amalgam; the treated surface shows only small proportion of organized macromolecules.
机译:镁汞合金与PTFE(Si上的箔或取向膜)反应,得到含有MgF2 的薄表面层,该表面层与复杂,对空气敏感的含碳产物的混合物中含有大量残留的C-F键。反应不会传播到本体聚合物中,因此即使在150°C下反应数百小时后,它仍保持白色。这些发现与PTFE与碱金属汞合金Li,Na,K的反应性形成对比。根据汞合金碳化的电化学模型,这些差异被解释为电荷的阻断(e- / Mg 2+ )通过修改后的层传播。 AFM图表明,Mg处理增加了表面粗糙度。 Mg-汞齐的作用强烈干扰了PTFE膜的分子水平有序性;处理过的表面仅显示出一小部分有组织的大分子。



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