首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Latin American Studies >Fernando Ignacio Leiva, Latin American Neostructuralism: The Contradictions of Post-Neoliberal Development (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008)

Fernando Ignacio Leiva, Latin American Neostructuralism: The Contradictions of Post-Neoliberal Development (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008)

机译:费尔南多·伊格纳西奥·莱瓦(Fernando Ignacio Leiva),拉丁美洲新结构主义:新Neoliberal发展的矛盾(明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社,2008年)

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As the global economy ground to a halt in 2008, there could have been no more timely a book than Fernando Ignacio Leiva's Latin American Neostructuralism: The Contradictions of Post-Neoliberal Development. In the author's words, the book is 'an effort to formulate an effective antidote' (p. xix) to the pragmatic turn of progressive economic thought in Latin America. The book relays a fascinating account (if Latin American neostructuralism in the 1980s and 1990s, its relation with classic Latin American structuralism from the 1950s and 1960s, as developed by the United Nation's Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLA/ CEPAL hereafter CEPAL), and the latest developments in Venezuelan 'twenty-first century socialism' and Bolivian 'Andean-Amazonian capitalism'.
机译:随着全球经济在2008年停滞不前,再没有比费南多·伊格纳西奥·莱瓦(Fernando Ignacio Leiva)的拉丁美洲新结构主义:后新自由主义发展的矛盾更及时的书。用作者的话说,这本书是“努力制定有效的解毒剂”(第十九页),以应对拉丁美洲渐进式经济思想的务实转变。该书传达了一个有趣的说明(如果是1980年代和1990年代的拉丁美洲新结构主义,以及它与1950年代和1960年代由联合国拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(ECLA / CEPAL,以下称CEPAL ),以及委内瑞拉“二十一世纪社会主义”和玻利维亚“安第斯-亚马逊资本主义”的最新发展。



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