首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Latin American Studies >Joan Cameron Bristol, Christians, Blasphemers and Witches: Afro-Mexican Ritual Practice in the Seventeenth Century

Joan Cameron Bristol, Christians, Blasphemers and Witches: Afro-Mexican Ritual Practice in the Seventeenth Century

机译:琼·卡梅隆·布里斯托尔(Joan Cameron Bristol),基督徒,亵渎者和女巫:17世纪的非洲墨西哥仪式

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For many enslaved Africans, the baptismal ceremony carried out on the shores of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century West Africa before they were loaded onto the terrible transatlantic slave ships was a fearsome ritual that signified the first step in a process which they believed would end in their consumption by Europeans, either as food or as an ingredient of gunpowder. Joan Cameron Bristol not only draws the reader's attention to the initial distance of newly enslaved Africans from Christianity, but also constructs a wide-ranging narrative that penetrates and illuminates a significant sector of Christian society in New Spain, and in fact shows that Colonial Afro-Mexicans were, as she writes, defined by 'shared values, cultural practices and communities' (p. 5).
机译:对于许多被奴役的非洲人来说,洗礼仪式是在16世纪和17世纪的西非海岸上进行的,然后再将其装载到可怕的跨大西洋奴隶船上,这是一种令人恐惧的仪式,标志着他们相信这一进程的第一步将在它们作为食物或火药的成分被欧洲人消费。琼·卡梅隆·布里斯托尔(Joan Cameron Bristol)不仅吸引读者注意新近被奴役的非洲人与基督教的最初距离,而且建构了广泛的叙述,渗透并阐明了新西班牙基督教社会的重要领域,实际上表明殖民地非洲裔她写道,墨西哥人的定义是“共同的价值观,文化习俗和社区”(第5页)。



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