首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies: Travesia >Subjective Displacements and ‘Reserves of Life’ 1 ‘Reserves of life’ is a translation of ‘reservas do mundo’, which carries the connotations of spaces of the life-world which are outside the political order and perhaps can act as sources of renewal of the world. View all notes

Subjective Displacements and ‘Reserves of Life’ 1 ‘Reserves of life’ is a translation of ‘reservas do mundo’, which carries the connotations of spaces of the life-world which are outside the political order and perhaps can act as sources of renewal of the world. View all notes

机译:主观的置换和“生命的储备” 1“生命的储备”是“ reservas do mundo”的翻译,它带有政治世界之外的生活世界空间的内涵。也许可以作为世界更新的源泉。查看所有笔记

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