首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Money and Finance >The political economy of adjustment and rebalancing

The political economy of adjustment and rebalancing


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Debt and balance of payments crises are politically controversial. In the aftermath of such crises, conflict typically breaks out over how the burden of adjustment will be distributed. There is international conflict, between debtor nations and creditor nations, over how outstanding debts will be resolved. And there is conflict within nations, over who will make the sacrifices necessary to get economies back on track. These political conflicts often become so bitter and protracted that they impede productive bargaining over the adjustment process. The characteristics of socio-economic and political divisions within societies affect the battles over economic adjustment, as well as who will emerge victorious from these battles, and how difficult it may be to arrive at a productive resolution of the crisis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:债务和国际收支危机在政治上有争议。在此类危机之后,通常会就如何分配调整负担而爆发冲突。债务国与债权国之间在如何解决未偿债务方面存在国际冲突。国家内部存在冲突,谁将做出必要的牺牲以使经济回到正轨。这些政治冲突常常变得如此痛苦和旷日持久,以至于阻碍了在调整过程中进行生产性谈判。社会内部的社会经济和政治分歧的特征影响着经济调整的斗争,以及谁将从这些斗争中取胜,以及难以有效地解决危机。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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