首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Money and Finance >The cooperative bank difference before and after the global financial crisis

The cooperative bank difference before and after the global financial crisis


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We compare characteristics of the banks' specialization (cooperative versus non-cooperative) at the world level in a time spell including the global financial crisis. Cooperative banks display higher net loans/total assets ratios, lower shares of derivatives over total assets and lower earning volatility than commercial banks. With a diff-in-diff approach we test whether the global financial crisis produced convergence/divergence in these indicators. We finally document that, in a conditional convergence specification, the net loans/total assets ratio is positively and significantly correlated with value added growth in some manufacturing sectors but not in others. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们在包括全球金融危机在内的时间范围内比较了世界范围内银行专业化的特征(合作与非合作)。与商业银行相比,合作银行的净贷款/总资产比率更高,衍生工具在总资产中的份额更低,收益波动性更低。使用差异比较方法,我们测试了全球金融危机是否在这些指标上产生了趋同/趋异。我们最终证明,在有条件收敛规范中,净贷款/总资产比率与某些制造业的增值增长呈正相关,而与其他制造业没有显着相关。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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