首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Migration and Integration >Post-migration Education Among Recent Adult Immigrants to Canada

Post-migration Education Among Recent Adult Immigrants to Canada


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The present study examines post-migration educational investment by new immigrants to Canada from two perspectives. First, what are the factors that influence whether a new immigrant invests in post-migration education (PME)? Second, is investment in PME associated with improved earnings? The results indicate that younger immigrants from “non-traditional” source countries, who are already well educated, fluent in English or French, and worked in a professional or managerial occupation prior to migration are most likely to enroll in PME. But acceptance of previous work experience by Canadian employers lowers the likelihood of investing in PME. Family obligations also reduce the likelihood of participating in PME. Financial limitations are not found to affect participation in PME. The earnings effect of PME is dependent on the type of course undertaken. In the short term, job-related seminars lead to improved earnings growth, while post-secondary courses result in a period of deceased earnings growth. Policy implications are discussed.
机译:本研究从两个角度考察了新移民到加拿大的移民后教育投资。首先,哪些因素会影响新移民是否投资于移民后教育(PME)?其次,对PME的投资是否与收益提高相关联?结果表明,来自“非传统”来源国的年轻移民,他们已经受过良好教育,英语或法语流利,并且在移民之前从事过专业或管理工作,最有可能加入PME。但是,加拿大雇主接受以前的工作经验会降低投资PME的可能性。家庭义务也降低了参加PME的可能性。没有发现财务上的限制会影响参加PME。 PME的收益影响取决于所采取课程的类型。在短期内,与工作有关的研讨会可提高收入增长,而专上课程则可导致收入增长下降。讨论了政策含义。



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