首页> 外文期刊>Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) >Performance of Subsurface Tube Drainage System in Saline Soils: A Case Study

Performance of Subsurface Tube Drainage System in Saline Soils: A Case Study


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In order to improve the saline and water logged soils caused due to groundwater table rise, installation of subsurface drainage system is considered as one of the best remedies. However, the design of the drainage system has to be accurate so that the field performance results conform to the designed results. In this investigation, the field performance of subsurface tube drainage system installed at the study area was evaluated. The performance was evaluated on the basis of comparison of the designed value of water table drop as 30 cm after 2 days of drainage and predicted and field measured hydraulic heads for a consecutive drainage period of 14 days. The investigation revealed that the actual drop of water table after 2 days of drainage was 25 cm, about 17 % less than the designed value of 30 cm after 2 days of drainage. The comparison of hydraulic heads predicted by Van Schilfgaarde equation of unsteady drainage with the field-measured hydraulic heads showed that the deviation of predicted hydraulic heads varied within a range of ±8 % indicating high acceptability of Van Schlifgaarde equation for designing subsurface drainage system in saline and water logged soils resembling to that of the study area.
机译:为了改善由于地下水位上升而造成的盐分和积水土壤,安装地下排水系统被认为是最好的补救措施之一。但是,排水系统的设计必须准确,以使现场性能结果符合设计结果。在这项调查中,评估了安装在研究区域的地下管道排水系统的现场性能。在比较排水2天后地下水位的设计值(30厘米)与连续14天排水的预测水压头和现场测量的水头时,对性能进行评估。调查显示,排水2天后的实际地下水位下降25厘米,比排水2天后的30厘米的设计值低约17%。用非稳态排水的Van Schilfgaarde方程预测的液压头与现场测得的液压头的比较表明,预测的液压头的偏差在±8%的范围内变化,这表明Van Schlifgaarde方程在盐水中设计地下排水系统的可接受性高和类似研究区域的积水土壤。



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