首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Conservation >Hermes copper (Lycaena [Hermelycaena] hermes: Lycaenidae): life history and population estimation of a rare butterfly

Hermes copper (Lycaena [Hermelycaena] hermes: Lycaenidae): life history and population estimation of a rare butterfly

机译:爱马仕铜(Lycaena [Hermelycaena]爱马仕:Lycaenidae):一只罕见蝴蝶的生活史和种群估计

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Hermes copper (Lycaena [Hermelycaena] hermes: Lycaenidae) is a rare species endemic to the coastal sage scrub in and around San Diego, CA, USA. This species has experienced substantial habitat loss due to urbanization and recent wildfires. We present data collected from field surveys conducted in 2003 and 2004. The flight season lasted 1–2 months with densities varying among sites and years. We observed adults most often near California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum) plants and significantly more often on north and west sides of trails or roads. We compared the robustness and statistical power of three indices of population size from the modified Pollard Walk surveys. We recorded the largest single-day count (Max Count), the cumulative number observed throughout the flight season (Pollard) and an estimate based on a four-parameter model (INCA: Insect Count Analyzer). The Pollard estimate was the most robust to sampling error and the most powerful at detecting population changes in simulated data. Improved monitoring techniques, both field methods and statistical estimation, are critical to determine the conservation status of rare butterflies like Hermes copper.
机译:爱马仕铜(Lycaena [Hermelycaena]爱马仕:Lycaenidae)是美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥及其周边地区沿海鼠尾草灌木的特有稀有物种。由于城市化和最近的野火,该物种的生境遭受了严重损失。我们提供从2003年和2004年进行的实地调查收集的数据。飞行季节持续1-2个月,密度随地点和年份的不同而不同。我们观察到成年最常出现在加利福尼亚荞麦(Eriogonum fasciculatum)植物附近,成年或成群的动物更多出现在小径或道路的北侧和西侧。我们从改良的Pollard Walk调查中比较了三个人口规模指标的稳健性和统计能力。我们记录了最大的单日计数(Max Count),整个飞行季节观察到的累计数(Pollard),以及基于四参数模型的估计值(INCA:昆虫计数分析器)。 Pollard估计值对抽样误差最有力,并且在检测模拟数据中的种群变化方面也最有力。改进的监测技术,包括现场方法和统计估计方法,对于确定稀有蝴蝶(如爱马仕铜)的保护状态至关重要。



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