首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Recording >Jensen-Shannon Divergence Based Secure Authentication Method on Smart Phones

Jensen-Shannon Divergence Based Secure Authentication Method on Smart Phones


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Smart phones are widely used in our daily life on which there are much personal and sensitive information. To prevent information disclosure and to strengthen the authentication security for smartphones, implicit methods for authentication attract people's attention. Implicit authentication (LA) can continuously authenticate users by profiling their behavior using the variety of sensors prevalent. IA requires no explicit user action, which is much more user-friendly. In this paper, we focus on characteristic distribution probability evaluation for key-stroke dynamics and propose an authentication method based on Jensen-Shannon divergence (JS-divergence). Two phases, training phase and authentication phase, are used to identify the true user in our method. For authentication phase, the set of behavioral characteristics is preprocessed as the behavior characteristic distribution probability vector (BCDPV) to obtain the JS-divergence between two sets of behavioral characteristics. For training phase, a novel update strategy for training set based on sliding window is proposed, which can overcome the difficulties of retraining. The security of this method is estimated by False Rejection Rate (FRR), False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and Equal Error Rate (ERR). The result shows that the size of the training set (i.e.the size of the sliding window) is not the bigger the better and 5 for the best results. It also shows that our method based on JS divergence works better than that based on other measurement methods such as the cosine, chebyshev and correlation Euclidean.
机译:智能电话在我们的日常生活中得到了广泛的应用,其中包含许多个人和敏感信息。为了防止信息泄露并增强智能手机的身份验证安全性,隐式身份验证方法引起了人们的关注。隐式身份验证(LA)可以通过使用各种流行的传感器来分析用户的行为,从而对用户进行连续身份验证。 IA不需要明确的用户操作,这对用户更加友好。在本文中,我们着重于针对击键动力学的特征分布概率评估,并提出了一种基于Jensen-Shannon散度(JS-divergence)的认证方法。在我们的方法中,训练阶段和认证阶段这两个阶段用于标识真实用户。对于身份验证阶段,将行为特征集作为行为特征分布概率向量(BCDPV)进行预处理,以获得两组行为特征之间的JS散度。在训练阶段,提出了一种新的基于滑动窗口的训练集更新策略,克服了训练的困难。此方法的安全性由错误拒绝率(FRR),错误接受率(FAR)和相等错误率(ERR)估计。结果表明,训练集的大小(即滑动窗口的大小)不是越大越好,而获得最佳结果则为5。这也表明我们基于JS散度的方法比基于其他测量方法(例如余弦,切比雪夫和相关欧几里得)的方法效果更好。



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