首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History >‘A Serious Menace to Security’: British Intelligence, V. K. Krishna Menon and the Indian High Commission in London, 1947-52

‘A Serious Menace to Security’: British Intelligence, V. K. Krishna Menon and the Indian High Commission in London, 1947-52

机译:“对安全的严重威胁”:英国情报局V. K.克里希纳·梅农(K. Krishna Menon)和伦敦印度高级专员公署,1947-52年

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Recently released Security Service (MI5) documents offer new insights into the Indian government's vulnerability to communist subversion after 1947, and the extent to which this threatened British national security. Existing historical works have noted MI5's concern over the links between Indian nationalists and the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) during the inter-war period. Absent from the current historiography, however, is an account of the British government's response to V. K. Krishna Menon's appointment as India's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom in 1947. This article examines the nature of Menon's relationship with the CPGB, the risk that communists working for him within India's High Commission posed to British security, and the strategy that MI5 developed to meet it. Taken as a whole, as this article illustrates, the Attlee government's conviction that India, and more particularly, Krishna Menon, represented a weak link in the Commonwealth security chain, opens up new perspectives on Anglo-Indian relations post-1947.View full textDownload full textRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03086534.2010.503397
机译:最近发布的安全服务(MI5)文档提供了新的见解,以了解印度政府在1947年之后容易遭受共产主义颠覆,以及这种威胁对英国国家安全的威胁程度。现有的历史著作指出,MI5对战争期间印度民族主义者与大不列颠共产党(CPGB)之间的联系感到担忧。但是,当前的历史学却没有提到英国政府对VK克里希纳·梅农(VK Krishna Menon)在1947年被任命为印度驻英国高级专员的回应。印度高级委员会内部的他对英国的安全以及MI5制定的解决该问题的战略提出了要求。从整体上看,正如本文所说明的那样,阿特勒政府坚信印度,尤其是克里希纳·梅农(Krishna Menon)代表了英联邦安全链中的薄弱环节,为1947年后的英印关系开辟了新的视角。全文相关变量var addthis_config = {ui_cobrand:“泰勒和弗朗西斯在线”,servicescompact:“ citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,更多”,发布号:“ ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b”};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03086534.2010.503397



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