首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Imaging Science and Technology >Guidelines for the Handling of Color in IS&T Journal Papers

Guidelines for the Handling of Color in IS&T Journal Papers


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Driven by the nature of our Society, color has been one of the major topics of scientific papers published in this Journal, and it is quite clear that showing research results frequently has required reproducing color images in true color. In color reproduction, however, it is difficult to achieve the required level of color faithfulness, and in the past authors have not been able to afford paying the extra costs for color printing. Journal papers are now published electronically, and color printers and monitors have become ubiquitous, so the scenario is changing, allowing for an extensive use of color. We would like to encourage even more use of color images, graphics, etc., wherever meaningful for the subject, or wherever appropriate to support the clarity of the paper. However, handling color is still not simple in general, and its extensive use may incur additional problems. We intend these guidelines to keep such problems to a minimum. Accordingly, we foresee different work paths, and hope to provide solutions for authors with different levels of color experience.



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