首页> 外文期刊>Journal of High Energy Physics >Propagation of photons and massive vector mesons between a parity breaking medium and vacuum

Propagation of photons and massive vector mesons between a parity breaking medium and vacuum


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The problem of propagation of photons and massive vector mesons in the presence of Lorenz and CPT invariance violating medium is studied when the parity-odd medium is bounded by a hyperplane separating it from the vacuum. The solutions in both half-spaces are carefully discussed and in the case of space-like boundary stitched on the boundary with help of the Bogolubov transformations provided by the space-like Chern-Simons vector. The presence of two different Fock vacua is shown and the probability amplitude for transmission of particles from vacuum to parity breaking medium is calculated. We have also found classical solutions and showed that the results are consistent with ones obtained by canonical quantization formalism. In the cases, both of entrance to and of escaping from parity-odd medium, the probabilities for reflecting and passing through were found for each polarization using the classical solutions. Finally, the propagator for each polarization is obtained in the momentum space. Boundary effects under consideration are of certain importance for registration of local parity violation in the finite volume of heavy ion fireball and/or of a star with cold axion condensate.



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