首页> 外文期刊>Journal of High Energy Physics >Restoring predictability in semiclassical gravitational collapse

Restoring predictability in semiclassical gravitational collapse


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Hawking showed that the radiation emitted from a classical collapsing shell is thermal. Here, we show that a semiclassical collapsing shell emits radiation that is only approximately thermal, with small but significant deviations. The most important difference is the presence of small off-diagonal elements in the radiation density matrix with a magnitude of order ( {1 left/ {{sqrt{{{S_{BH }}}}}} right.} ), S BH being the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the incipient black hole. The off-diagonal elements store the correlations between the collapsing shell and the emitted radiation and allow information to continuously leak from the collapsed body. The rate of escape of information is initially very small, increasing to order one by the Page time, when the black hole has lost half its original entropy. We show that, until the Page time, the radiation is almost exactly thermal and that, from this time on, it begins to purify at an increasing rate.
机译:霍金表明,经典的坍缩壳发出的辐射是热的。在这里,我们显示了一个半经典的崩溃壳发出的辐射仅近似为热辐射,偏差很小但很明显。最重要的区别是,辐射密度矩阵中存在数量级为{{1左边/ {{sqrt {{{{S_ {BH}}}}}}}右边,S BH的小的对角线元素。是初始黑洞的Bekenstein-Hawking熵。非对角线元素存储了坍缩的壳层与发射的辐射之间的相关性,并允许信息不断地从塌陷的物体中泄漏出来。信息的逃逸率最初很小,当黑洞已经失去了其原始熵的一半时,其乘以页时间增加到阶数。我们显示,直到Page时间之前,辐射几乎完全是热辐射,并且从现在开始,辐射开始以越来越快的速度净化。



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