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A Concise History of DOT's 'Bulk' and 'Non-Bulk' Packaging Definitions


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Prior to 1987, the DOT Hazardous Materials regulations (HMR) did not contain definitions for "bulk packaging" or "non-bulk packaging" - although historically certain requirements of the HMR were specifically made applicable on the basis of whether or not a packaging in which a hazard material was contained had "a capacity of 110 gallons or less". As the HMR developed and additional marking and other requirements were added (e.g., requirements to display ID numbers), DOT "discovered that several vehicles and packagings were not covered by the identification number marking regulations". To address this issue, in a notice of proposed rulemaking published in September 1984 under Docket No. HM-126D, DOT proposed the addition of a definition for "bulk packaging" to the HMR. Rather than the traditional 110 gallon "breakpoint", to be consistent with the UN definition for a portable tank DOT proposed to use 118.8 gallons (450 liters) as a minimum capacity for defining a bulk packaging.
机译:1987年之前,DOT有害物质法规(HMR)并未包含“散装包装”或“非散​​装包装”的定义-尽管从历史上看,HMR的某些要求是专门根据是否包装在所含有害物质的容量为“ 110加仑或以下”。随着HMR的发展以及附加的标记和其他要求(例如,显示ID号的要求)的增加,DOT“发现一些车辆和包装不受标识号标记法规的约束”。为了解决此问题,DOT在1984年9月发布的建议法规制定公告中,案号为HM-126D,DOT建议在HMR中增加“散装包装”的定义。 DOT提议使用118.8加仑(450升)作为定义散装包装的最小容量,而不是传统的110加仑“断点”,这与联合国对便携式油罐的定义相一致。



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