首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hazardous Materials >Dust dispersal and Pb enrichment at the rare-metal Orlovka-Spokoinoe mining and ore processing site: Insights from REE patterns and elemental ratios

Dust dispersal and Pb enrichment at the rare-metal Orlovka-Spokoinoe mining and ore processing site: Insights from REE patterns and elemental ratios


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Different geological, technogenic and environmental samples from the Orlovka-Spokoinoe Ta-Nb-Sn-W mining site and ore processing complex in Eastern Transbaikalia (Russia), were analysed for Pb, Y, Zr, Hf and rare earth elements (REE) to assess the effect of dust and metal dispersal on the environment within the Orlovka-Spokoinoe mining site. Potential source material analysed included ore-bearing and barren granites, host rocks, tailing pond sediments, and ore concentrates. Lichens and birch leaves were used as receptor samples. The REE enrichment relative to chondrite, the extent of the Eu anomalies, the enrichments of heavy REE (HREE), and Zr/Hf and Yb/Y ratios suggest that tailings, barren granites, and metasedimentary host rocks are the main sources of dust in the studied mining environment. In addition, calculated lead enrichment (relative to host rocks) suggests that the environment is polluted with Pb. Our results clearly demonstrate the potential of REE patterns and elemental ratios as a reliable technique to trace dust and metals sources and dispersal within a confined mining area offering a new tool for environmental assessment studies.
机译:分析了俄罗斯东部Transbaikalia的Orlovka-Spokoinoe Ta-Nb-Sn-W矿山和矿石加工区的不同地质,技术和环境样品的Pb,Y,Zr,Hf和稀土元素(REE)评估灰尘和金属散布对Orlovka-Spokoinoe采矿场内环境的影响。分析的潜在原材料包括含矿和贫瘠的花岗岩,宿主岩,尾矿池沉积物和精矿。地衣和桦树叶子用作受体样品。相对于球粒陨石的REE富集,Eu异常的程度,重REE(HREE)的富集以及Zr / Hf和Yb / Y比值表明尾矿,贫瘠的花岗岩和准沉积宿主岩是该州粉尘的主要来源。研究的采矿环境。另外,计算出的铅富集(相对于主体岩石)表明环境被铅污染。我们的结果清楚地表明,稀土元素分布图和元素比作为一种可靠的技术,可以在密闭矿区中追踪粉尘和金属来源以及扩散,为环境评估研究提供了一种新工具。



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