首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hazardous Materials >Vermicomposting eliminates the toxicity of Lantana (Lantana camara) and turns it into a plant friendly organic fertilizer

Vermicomposting eliminates the toxicity of Lantana (Lantana camara) and turns it into a plant friendly organic fertilizer

机译:com堆肥消除了马Lan丹(Lantana camara)的毒性,并将其转变为植物友好型有机肥料

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In evidently the first study of its kind, vermicompost derived solely from a weed known to possess plant and animal toxicity was used to assess its impact on the germination and early growth of several plant species. No pre-composting or supplementation of animal manure was done to generate the vermicompost in order to ensure that the impact is clearly attributable to the weed. Whereas the weed used in this study, Lantana (Lantana camara), is known to possess strong negative allelopathy, besides plant/animal toxicity in other forms, its vermicompost was seen to be a good organic fertilizer as it increased germination success and encouraged growth of all the three botanical species explored by the authors - green gram (Vigna radiata), ladies finger (Abelmoschus esculentus) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus). In terms of several physical, chemical and biochemical attributes that were studied, the vermicompost appeared plant-friendly, giving best results in general when employed at concentrations of 1.5% in soil (w/w). Fourier transform infrared spectrometry revealed that the phenols and the sesquiterpene lactones that are responsible for the allelopathic impact of Lantana were largely destroyed in the course of vermicomposting. There is also an indication that lignin content of Lantana was reduced during its vermicomposting. The findings open up the possibility that the billions of tons of phytomass that is generated annually by Lantana and other invasives can be gainfully utilized in generating organic fertilizer via vermicomposting. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:显然,在同类研究中,仅来自已知具有植物和动物毒性的杂草衍生的ver螨被用于评估其对几种植物的发芽和早期生长的影响。没有进行堆肥前的堆肥处理或补充动物粪便,以确保其影响明显归因于杂草。尽管该研究中使用的杂草马Lan丹(Lantana camara)除具有其他形式的植物/动物毒性外,还具有很强的阴性化感作用,但其ver堆被认为是一种良好的有机肥料,因为它增加了发芽成功并促进了其生长作者探索的所有三个植物物种-绿克(Vigna radiata),淑女指(Abelmoschus esculentus)和黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)。根据已研究的几种物理,化学和生化属性,ver豆似乎对植物友好,在土壤中以1.5%(w / w)的浓度使用时通常能获得最佳效果。傅里叶变换红外光谱法表明,负责马Lan丹化感作用的酚类和倍半萜烯内酯在ver堆肥过程中被大量破坏。也有迹象表明马Lan丹的木质素含量在其堆肥过程中降低了。这些发现开辟了马Lan丹和其他入侵植物每年产生的数十亿吨植物气素可以通过ver堆肥有效地用于生产有机肥料的可能性。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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