首页> 外文期刊>Journal of great lakes research >Differences in seasonal distribution of wild and stocked juvenile lake trout by depth and temperature in Lake Champlain

Differences in seasonal distribution of wild and stocked juvenile lake trout by depth and temperature in Lake Champlain


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Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) reared in hatcheries are exposed to an environment and feeding regime that is different from wild lake trout, and are stocked at substantially larger sizes with higher lipid reserves. In addition to differences in diet and growth, this early experience may alter habitat use compared to the wild cohort. We used seasonal data on the depth and temperature distribution of wild and stocked juvenile lake trout to test for differences in habitat use and inform sampling strategies to evaluate annual recruitment. Bottom trawling was conducted from 2015 to 2019 in the central basin of Lake Champlain every two to four weeks during the ice-free season. Differences in distribution of wild and stocked lake trout were most pronounced during thermal stratification, when wild juveniles were more abundant than stocked juveniles at shallower depths and warmer temperatures and stocked juveniles were more abundant at deeper depths and colder temperatures. Temperature preferences may be a consequence of different early rearing environments; wild lake trout are acclimated to lake temperatures and forage, whereas stocked fish entered the lake with high lipid content and little foraging experience. Unbiased assessment of the proportion of wild lake trout and growth and survival of the entire juvenile lake trout population using bottom trawl sampling should either take place in the preand post stratification seasons when wild and stocked fish are at the same depths, or include the full range of depths and temperatures that wild and stocked fish occupy during the stratified period. (C) 2020 International Association for Great Lakes Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在孵化场饲养的湖鳟(Salvelinus namaycush)暴露于与野湖鳟鱼不同的环境和喂养制度,并且在具有更高脂质储备的大小尺寸下储存。除了饮食和增长的差异外,与野生队列相比,这种早期经验可能会改变栖息地使用。我们使用了野外的深度和温度分布的季节性数据,并储存少年湖鳟鱼测试栖息地使用的差异,并告知采样策略来评估年度招聘。在自由季节期间每两到四周从2015年到2019年从2015年到2019年进行了底部拖网游。在热分层期间,野生幼虫在热分层中分布分布的差异,当狂野少年比在较浅的深度和较温暖的温度下储存的少年更丰富,并且储存的少年更加丰富,更深的深度和更冷的温度。温度偏好可能是不同早期饲养环境的结果;野生湖鳟鱼适应湖温度和饲料,而库存鱼类进入湖泊,脂质含量高,觅食经验很少。无偏见的评估使用底拖网采样的野生湖鳟鱼和整个少年湖鳟鱼种群的成长和生存的评估应在野生和库存鱼类处于相同的深度时进行预先在普通的分层季节中进行,或包括全方位在分层期间野生和储存鱼占用的深度和温度。 (c)2020国际大湖泊研究协会。由elsevier b.v出版。保留所有权利。




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