首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Global Optimization >Level bundle-like algorithms for convex optimization

Level bundle-like algorithms for convex optimization


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We propose two restricted memory level bundle-like algorithms for minimizing a convex function over a convex set. If the memory is restricted to one linearization of the objective function, then both algorithms are variations of the projected subgradient method. The first algorithm, proposed in Hilbert space, is a conceptual one. It is shown to be strongly convergent to the solution that lies closest to the initial iterate. Furthermore, the entire sequence of iterates generated by the algorithm is contained in a ball with diameter equal to the distance between the initial point and the solution set. The second algorithm is an implementable version. It mimics as much as possible the conceptual one in order to resemble convergence properties. The implementable algorithm is validated by numerical results on several two-stage stochastic linear programs.



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