首页> 外文期刊>Journal of General Physiology >A Direct Demonstration of Closed-State Inactivation of K~+ Channels at Low pH

A Direct Demonstration of Closed-State Inactivation of K~+ Channels at Low pH


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Lowering external pH reduces peak current and enhances current decay in Kv and Shaker-IR channels. Using voltage-clamp fluorimetry we directly determined the fate of Shaker-IR channels at low pH by measuring fluorescence emission from tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide attached to substituted cysteine residues in the voltage sensor domain (M356C to R362C) or S5-P linker (S424C). One aspect of the distal S3-S4 linker α-helix (A359C and R362C) reported a pH-induced acceleration of the slow phase of fluorescence quenching that represents P/C-type inactivation, but neither site reported a change in the total charge movement at low pH. ShakerS424C fluorescence demonstrated slow unquenching that also reflects channel inactivation and this too was accelerated at low pH. In addition, however, acidic pH caused a reversible loss of the fluorescence signal (pKa = 5.1) that paralleled the reduction of peak current amplitude (pKa = 5.2). Protons decreased single channel open probability, suggesting that the loss of fluorescence at low pH reflects a decreased channel availability that is responsible for the reduced macroscopic conductance. Inhibition of inactivation in Shaker S424C (by raising external K~+ or the mutation T449V) prevented fluorescence loss at low pH, and the fluorescence report from closed Shaker ILT S424C channels implied that protons stabilized a W434F-like inactivated state. Furthermore, acidic pH changed the fluorescence amplitude (pKa = 5.9) in channels held continuously at -80 mV. This suggests that low pH stabilizes closed-inactivated states. Thus, fluorescence experiments suggest the major mechanism of pH-induced peak current reduction is inactivation of channels from closed states from which they can activate, but not open; this occurs in addition to acceleration of P/C-type inactivation from the open state.
机译:降低外部pH值可降低峰值电流,并增强Kv和Shaker-IR通道中的电流衰减。使用电压钳荧光法,我们通过测量附着在电压传感器域(M356C至R362C)或S5-P接头(S424C)中取代半胱氨酸残基的四甲基若丹明-5-马来酰亚胺的荧光发射,直接确定了低pH条件下Shaker-IR通道的命运。 )。远端S3-S4接头α-螺旋(A359C和R362C)的一个方面报告了pH诱导的荧光猝灭慢相的加速,其代表P / C型失活,但两个位点均未报告总电荷运动的变化在低pH下。 ShakerS424C荧光显示出缓慢的猝灭,这也反映了通道失活,并且在低pH值下也被加速。然而,此外,酸性pH导致荧光信号的可逆损失(pKa = 5.1),与峰值电流幅度的降低(pKa = 5.2)平行。质子降低了单通道打开的可能性,这表明低pH值下荧光的丧失反映了通道可用性的降低,这是宏观电导降低的原因。抑制摇床S424C的失活(通过提高外部K〜+或突变T449V)可防止低pH值下的荧光损失,并且来自封闭的摇床ILT S424C通道的荧光报告暗示质子稳定了W434F样的失活状态。此外,酸性pH改变了连续保持在-80 mV的通道中的荧光幅度(pKa = 5.9)。这表明低pH值可以稳定灭活状态。因此,荧光实验表明,pH引起的峰值电流降低的主要机理是通道从处于关闭状态的通道失活,从通道可以激活但不能打开。除了从打开状态加速P / C型灭活之外,还会发生这种情况。



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