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Comparison of the microflora on organically and conventionally grown spring mix from a California processor.


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Considerable speculation has occurred concerning the potential for higher numbers of foodborne pathogens on organically grown produce compared with produce not grown organically. The microflora composition of spring mix or mesclun, a mixture of multiple salad ingredients, grown either by organic or conventional means was determined. Unwashed or washed spring mix was obtained from a commercial California fresh-cut produce processor who does not use manure in their cultivation practices. Fifty-four samples of each type of product were supplied over a 4-month period. Analysis included enumeration of total mesophiles, psychrotrophs, coliforms, generic Escherichia coli, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and molds. In addition, spring mix was analyzed for the presence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. The mean populations of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, yeasts, molds, lactic acid bacteria, and coliforms on conventionally grown spring mix were not statistically different (P > 0.05) from respective mean populations on organically grown spring mix. The mean population of each microbial group was significantly higher on unwashed spring mix compared with the washed product. Of the 14 samples found to contain E. coli, eight were from nonwashed conventional spring mix, one was from washed conventional spring mix, and four were from nonwashed organic spring mix. Salmonella and L. monocytogenes were not detected in any of the samples analyzed.
机译:关于有机种植的产品与非有机种植的产品相比,食源性病原体数量更多的可能性已经引起了广泛的猜测。确定了通过有机或常规方式生长的春季混合物或mesclun(多种色拉成分的混合物)的微生物区系组成。未洗涤或洗涤过的春季混合物是从加利福尼亚州的一家商用鲜切农产品加工商那里获得的,该加工商不使用肥料进行耕种。在4个月内提供了每种产品的54个样品。分析包括总嗜温菌,嗜冷菌,大肠菌,普通大肠杆菌,乳酸菌,酵母和霉菌的计数。此外,分析了春季混合物中沙门氏菌和单核细胞增生性李斯特菌的存在。传统生长的春季混合物上的嗜温和精神营养菌,酵母,霉菌,乳酸菌和大肠菌群的平均种群与有机生长的春季混合物上的各自平均种群在统计学上没有差异(P> 0.05)。与洗涤后的产品相比,未经洗涤的春季混合物中每个微生物组的平均种群显着更高。在发现的包含大肠杆菌的14个样品中,有8个来自未洗涤的常规弹簧混合物,一个来自洗涤的常规弹簧混合物,另外四个来自未洗涤的有机弹簧混合物。在所分析的任何样品中均未检出沙门氏菌和单核细胞增生李斯特菌。



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