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Feces as food: The nutritional value of urchin feces and implications for benthic food webs


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Algal subsidies are important to basal consumers of the deep benthos where there is little to no primary productivity. Algal detritus such as pieces of kelp that sink into deep habitats can be an important direct nutritional subsidy, but sea urchin feces may provide an additional, indirect energetic link from shallow -water macroalgae to benthic community members that are too small to handle and consume large detritus directly. Urchins digest macroalgae inefficiently, creating the potential for two key trophic consequences to the benthic food webs they live in. First, urchins act as marine 'shredders' creating smaller detrital particles from larger drift; second, the poor digestion may enable microbes to enrich the food value of both the digesta within the urchin guts, and the egesta (feces) after it leaves the gut. We quantified the relative nutritional value of algae and of feces of red and green sea urchins (Mesocentrotus franciscanus and Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) fed on monodiets of various algae in laboratory experiments. We then conducted feeding experiments with an epibenthic copepod (Tigriopus californicus) to evaluate consequences to a model consumer of different diets including feces. We also quantified assimilation efficiencies of red urchins fed a diet of bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana). In many cases, key indicators of nutritional value (especially calories and protein content) of algal material increased after being consumed and egested by urchins, and urchin feces "aged" in seawater generally became even more calorie -rich. Benthic copepods raised on diets of urchin feces derived from kelp had faster population growth than those raised on chopped fresh kelp tissue. It is likely that microbiota inside urchin guts are driving these counterintuitive results. The creation of nutritious feces could add to the importance of urchins as a link to benthic communities that rely heavily on detritus for their success.
机译:藻类补贴对深层底栖动物的基础消费者很重要,因为那里的初级生产力很少甚至没有。海藻碎屑(例如沉入深部栖息地的海藻碎片)可能是重要的直接营养补贴,但海胆粪便可能提供从浅水大型藻类到底栖生物成员的额外,间接的能量纽带,后者太小而无法处理和食用。直接碎屑。海胆不能有效地消化大型藻类,这给它们生活的底栖食物网带来了两个关键的营养后果。第一,海胆充当海洋“粉碎机”,通过较大的漂流产生较小的碎屑颗粒。其次,消化不良可能使微生物能够丰富海胆内胆中的消化物和肠中排出的egesta(粪便)的食物价值。在实验室实验中,我们定量了饲喂各种藻类单体的藻类以及红色和绿色海胆(Mesocentrotus franciscanus和Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)粪便的相对营养价值。然后,我们使用表皮th足动物(Tigriopus californicus)进行了喂养实验,以评估对包括粪便在内的不同饮食的模型消费者的后果。我们还定量了以海带(Nereocystis luetkeana)为食的红顽童的同化效率。在许多情况下,藻类被海胆食用和繁殖后,藻类物质的营养价值(尤其是卡路里和蛋白质含量)的关键指标增加,并且海水中“老化”的海胆粪便通常变得更加富含卡路里。用海带衍生的海胆粪便饮食饲养的足底co足动物比用切碎的新鲜海带组织饲养的足底pe足动物种群增长更快。顽童肠道内的微生物群可能正在驱动这些违反直觉的结果。营养性粪便的产生可能会增加海胆作为与严重依赖碎屑获得成功的底栖生物群落的联系的重要性。



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