首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology >Capsule walls as barriers to oxygen availability: Implications for the development of brooded embryos by the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae)

Capsule walls as barriers to oxygen availability: Implications for the development of brooded embryos by the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae)

机译:胶囊壁阻碍氧气供应:河口腹足纲腹足纲Cripepatella dilatata(Calyptraeidae)对育雏胚胎发育的影响

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Encapsulation of developing embryos imposes potential restrictions, because the capsule wall must allow for adequate inward diffusion of oxygen and for increased diffusion of oxygen as metabolic demand increases with continued development. Samples of egg capsules from the gastropod Crepipatella dilatata were used to document surface characteristics, composition of the different capsule wall layers, and alterations in wall thickness during development The diffusion coefficient and capsule wall permeability were determined experimentally for capsules containing embryos at different developmental stages. We also determined oxygen consumption rates for various embryonic stages and for nurse eggs, which provide food for embryos during development. The capsule wall of C. dilatata possesses 2 differentiated layers: the external capsular wall (ECW) and the internal capsular wall (ICW). The ECW is compact and fibrous, features that remain invariable during development, and lacks surface features that might make some portions of the capsule wall more permeable to oxygen than others. On the other hand, the ICW is initially spongy and thick, but significantly decreases in thickness over time, particularly before the embryos begin feeding on nurse eggs. Although the capsule wall is a serious barrier to diffusion, permeability to oxygen increases over time by 112% due to the dramatic thinning of the inner capsule wall layer. Nurse eggs consume oxygen but at very low rates, supporting the idea that they correspond to living embryonic cells that have stopped their development. Respiration measurements indicated that embryos are initially supplied with enough oxygen within the egg capsules to carry out the activities characteristic of embryogenesis, even though the capsular walls show their maximum thickness and lowest permeability at this time. However, as the embryo develops its velum and becomes more active, capsule wall thickness decreases and capsule permeability to oxygen increases. Correspondingly, the oxygen demands of metamorphosed but still encapsulated specimens are approximately 135% higher than those of pre-metamorphosed sibling embryos.
机译:封装发育中的胚胎会带来潜在的限制,因为随着代谢需求的不断增长,胶囊壁必须允许氧气充分向内扩散并允许氧气扩散增加。使用腹足纲腹足纲Crepipatella dilatata的卵囊样品来记录其表面特征,不同囊壁层的组成以及发育过程中壁厚的变化。通过实验确定了包含处于不同发育阶段的胚胎的囊的扩散系数和囊壁通透性。我们还确定了各个胚胎阶段和哺乳卵的耗氧率,这些卵在发育过程中为胚胎提供食物。膨胀梭菌的囊壁具有2个不同的层:外部囊壁(ECW)和内部囊壁(ICW)。 ECW是致密的和纤维状的,其特征在显影过程中保持不变,并且缺少可能使胶囊壁的某些部分比其他部分更易渗透氧气的表面特征。另一方面,ICW最初呈海绵状且很厚,但是随着时间的推移厚度会显着减小,尤其是在胚胎开始以哺乳卵为食之前。尽管胶囊壁是扩散的严重障碍,但由于胶囊内壁层的急剧变薄,所以氧气的渗透性随时间增加了112%。护士卵消耗氧气但速率很低,这支持了它们与停止发育的活胚细胞相对应的观点。呼吸测量结果表明,尽管此时囊壁显示出其最大厚度和最低渗透率,但在卵囊内最初为胚胎提供了足够的氧气以进行胚胎发生的活动。然而,随着胚胎发育其外膜并变得更活跃,囊壁的厚度减小并且囊对氧气的渗透性增加。相应地,已变质但仍被包囊的标本的需氧量比预先变质的同胞胚胎的需氧量高约135%。



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