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Toshiba v Commission: Parental Liability of a Minority Shareholder


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The General Court annulled the fine imposed individually on Toshiba but confirmed the attribution of liability to the minority shareholder. On 5 December 2012, the Commission fined seven international groups of companies for participating in either one or both of two distinct cartels in the sector of cathode ray tubes ('CRT'). According to the Commission, between 1996 and 2006, a number of companies fixed prices, shared markets, allocated customers, and restricted output. One cartel concerned colour picture tubes used for televisions (the CPT cartel) and the other one colour display tubes used in computer monitors (the CDT cartel). The Commission found that both infringements covered the entire European Economic Area (EEA). In September 2015, the General Court issued judgments on the appeals brought against the CRT decision, touching upon, among others, issues the parental liability of minority shareholders (Case T-104/ 13 Toshiba Corp. v Commission). It confirmed that Toshiba was liable for the participation of Matsushita Toshiba Picture Display Co. Ltd (MTPD) in the cartel despite Toshiba holding only a minority share of 35.5 per cent in MTPD. The General Court considered that Toshiba and MTPD formed part of the same undertaking for the purpose of Article 101 TFEU as Toshiba had rights over the joint venture which went beyond the normal rights provided to minority shareholders to protect their financial investment. Through these rights (eg a veto right in strategic and investment questions and concerning development plans or rights concerning the appointment of senior management), Toshiba was capable to exercise decisive influence over the joint venture.
机译:普通法院废除了对东芝的单独罚款,但确认将责任归属于小股东。 2012年12月5日,委员会对参加阴极射线管(CRT)领域两个不同卡特尔中的一个或两个的国际公司进行了罚款。根据委员会的说法,在1996年至2006年期间,许多公司固定价格,共享市场,分配客户并限制产量。一个卡特尔涉及用于电视的彩色显像管(CPT卡特尔),另一个涉及计算机显示器中使用的彩色显像管(CDT卡特尔)。委员会发现这两项侵权行为涵盖了整个欧洲经济区(EEA)。 2015年9月,普通法院对针对CRT决定的上诉做出判决,其中涉及发行少数股东的父母责任(案例T-104 / 13 Toshiba Corp.诉Commission)。它证实,尽管东芝仅持有MTPD的35.5%的少数股权,但东芝对松下东芝图片显示有限公司(MTPD)参与卡特尔承担责任。通用法院认为,就《 TFEU》第101条而言,东芝和MTPD构成同一承诺的一部分,因为东芝拥有合资企业的权利,超出了为保护其金融投资而向小股东提供的正常权利。通过这些权利(例如,在战略和投资问题以及关于发展计划的否决权或关于任命高级管理人员的权利),东芝能够对合资企业产生决定性影响。



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