首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies >Africa < > Europe: A Double Engagement

Africa < > Europe: A Double Engagement


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This introduction to the special issue entitled ''''Africa<>Europe: Transnational Linkages, Multi-Sited Lives'''' outlines the history of the African migrant presence in Europe, gives an account of the contexts which shape contemporary migration, and surveys the approaches to international migration from Africa which have influenced researchers since the 1960s. Linking the contributions to the special issue is the theme of migrants'''' transnational ''''double engagement'''' with both Africa and Europe. The paper examines this theme across three domains of the lived experience of African migrants and refugees in Europe: ''''Livelihoods'''', ''''Families'''', and ''''Identities''''. We conclude with an assessment of what can be learned (theoretically and methodologically) from the study of African transmigration, and suggest future lines of research.
机译:这本名为《非洲<>欧洲:跨国联系,多方面的生活》的特刊的简介概述了非洲移民在欧洲的存在的历史,并说明了塑造当代移民的背景,以及综述了自1960年代以来影响研究人员的非洲国际移民方法。将捐款与特别问题联系起来是与非洲和欧洲移民的主题“跨国”“双重参与”。本文从非洲移民和欧洲难民在生活中的三个方面考察了这个主题:“生计”,“家庭”和“身份”。 。最后,我们评估了从非洲移民研究中可以学到的东西(从理论上和方法上),并提出了未来的研究方向。


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