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Methodological Issues In Determining The Relationship Between Street Trees And Asthma Prevalence


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A study published in the July issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health documents the relationship between the density of street trees and the prevalence of childhood asthma in New York City. Findings suggest that street trees are associated with a lower prevalence, although no causality was inferred. 1 would like to point out a number of methodological issues which should benefit future studies on this subject. The prevalence of asthma was determined for 4-year-old and 5-year-old children using data from school screenings in 1999. Street tree density was derived from the 1995 street tree census completed by the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of New York and expressed as the total number of trees on street segments divided by the land area. Data were aggregated at the level of United Hospital Fund (UHF) areas. Additional variables used in the analysis were population density, racial/ethnic composition and a measure of proximity to pollution sources. The initial correlation analysis suggested a negative association between street tree density and prevalence of asthma. However, one of the strongest positive associations was between street tree density and population density. This initially appears somewhat counterintuitive, until it is recognised exactly which types of trees are included in the analysis. The street tree census conducted by the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of New York considered only trees along city streets, and trees in parks and open space were not included. As a result, the street tree density derived by this study1 is a substantial underestimate of the actual number of trees within a UHF area, in particular in areas with large areas of parks and open space.
机译:发表在《流行病学与社区健康杂志》 7月刊上的一项研究记录了纽约市街头树木密度与儿童哮喘患病率之间的关系。研究结果表明,尽管没有推断出因果关系,但行道树的患病率较低。 1希望指出一些方法学问题,这些问题应使该主题的未来研究受益。使用1999年的学校筛查数据确定了4岁和5岁儿童的哮喘患病率。街头树密度来自新市政府公园和娱乐部门完成的1995年街头树普查。约克(York),表示为路段上的树木总数除以土地面积。数据是在联合医院基金(UHF)区域级别汇总的。分析中使用的其他变量是人口密度,种族/族裔组成和对污染源的接近程度。初步的相关性分析表明,街树密度与哮喘患病率之间呈负相关。但是,最强的正相关性之一是街树密度和人口密度之间。最初看起来有些违反直觉,直到准确地识别出分析中包括哪些类型的树木为止。纽约市公园和娱乐部门进行的街道树木普查认为,仅城市街道上的树木,公园和开放空间中的树木不包括在内。结果,这项研究得出的街树密度1大大低估了UHF区域内,尤其是在公园和开放空间较大的地区内树木的实际数量。



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