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A community based stroke register in a high risk area for stroke in north west England


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Study objective—To develop a community based stroke register to assess the magnitude of the problem of stroke in an entire health district in a high risk area for stroke. Design—Community based stroke register from general practice data. Setting—East Lancashire Health Authority with a 1995 population of 534 287. Patients—The stroke register was developed and maintained for one calendar year in East Lancashire between 1 July 1994 and 30 June 1995. Efforts were made to include all patients who had a stroke during this period from participating general practices, using several sources of referral. Main results—Of the district's 118 general practices, 93 (79%) participated fully, covering a population of 405 272. A total of 932 strokes, including 642 first ever cases, were cross checked and confirmed, with only 50% from any single source, mainly the practices. The total stroke incidence rate was 1.60 per 1000 per year, adjusted for the England and Wales 1991 census population. The rate increased considerably with age from 0.88/1000 for ages 50-54 to 20.56/1000 for ages 85-89 years. From 50-74 years, the age specific incidence was higher in men, but overall it was higher in women (1.87; 95% confidence interval 1.67, 2.04 per 1000) than in men (1.31; 1.15, 1.47 per 1000), and slightly lower than in Oxford a decade earlier. The rate also varied in different localities, with higher rates in the central towns of Hyndburn (2.05/ 1000), Blackburn (1.63/1000), and Burnley (1.80/1000) and lowest values in rural areas (1.18/1000 in Pendle). Case fatality from stroke at 28 days was 34% and the hospital admission rate was high at 70%. Conclusions—The multiple source registration method is required for a stroke register. Stroke incidence in this area was still high and there was considerable variation across the district. Case fatality rates were similar to those in previous studies.
机译:研究目标-开发基于社区的中风登记册,以评估中风高风险地区整个卫生区中风问题的严重程度。设计-基于一般实践数据的基于社区的笔划寄存器。地点-东兰开夏郡卫生局,1995年人口为534287。患者-脑卒中寄存器在1994年7月1日至1995年6月30日期间在东兰开夏郡开发并保存了一个日历年。努力将所有中风的患者包括在内在此期间,使用多种推荐来源从参与的一般实践中获取收益。主要结果—在该区的118种常规做法中,有93名(79%)充分参与,覆盖405 272人。交叉检查并确认了总共932例中风,包括642例首次病例,其中只有50%来自任何一次来源,主要是做法。根据1991年英格兰和威尔士人口普查数据调整的总中风发病率为每千人每年1.60。随着年龄的增长,比率从50-54岁的0.88 / 1000增加到85-89岁的20.56 / 1000。在50-74岁之间,男性的年龄段特定发病率较高,但总体而言,女性的发病率较高(1.87; 95%的置信区间1.67,2.04 / 1000),高于男性(1.31; 1.15,1.47 / 1000)。比十年前的牛津要低。该比率在不同地区也有所不同,在Hyndburn(2.05 / 1000),Blackburn(1.63 / 1000)和Burnley(1.80 / 1000)的中心城镇中比率较高,而在农村地区(Pendle为1.18 / 1000)最低。 28天中风导致的病死率为34%,住院率高达70%。结论-笔画套准需要多源套准方法。该地区的中风发生率仍然很高,整个地区差异很大。病死率与以前的研究相似。



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