首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering >Time and spatial variability in the concentrations of selected metals in water and bottom sediments of Plawniowice and Dzierzno Male reservoirs (Poland)

Time and spatial variability in the concentrations of selected metals in water and bottom sediments of Plawniowice and Dzierzno Male reservoirs (Poland)

机译:Plawniowice和Dzierzno Male水库(波兰)的水和底部沉积物中某些金属的浓度随时间和空间变化

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The migration of metals and metalloids between bottom sediments and water and the other way round is a complex process. Understanding those mechanisms is essential for recognizing transformations taking place in water reservoir ecosystems. The objective behind the following study was to define time and spatial correlations in the changes in total concentrations of selected elements (Cr, Zn, Co, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, As, Ba, Sb, Sr and V) in waters and bottom sediments from two water reservoirs located in Upper Silesia (Poland), i.e., Pawniowice and Dzierno Mae. The research was carried out to demonstrate whether the bottom sediments deposited in the discussed reservoirs could pose an environmental threat due to the possible release of toxic metals and metalloids into the pelagic zone. The obtained results constitute material helping to describe the bioavailability of particular elements. They also expose the existing environmental threats for such water reservoirs and their users.
机译:金属和准金属在底部沉积物和水之间的迁移以及相反的迁移是一个复杂的过程。了解这些机制对于识别水库生态系统中正在发生的转变至关重要。以下研究的目的是确定水中某些元素(Cr,Zn,Co,Mn,Cu,Ni,Pb,As,Ba,Sb,Sr和V)总浓度变化的时间和空间相关性。来自上西里西亚(波兰)的两个水库的底部沉积物,即Pawniowice和Dzierno Mae。进行了研究,以证明所讨论的储层中沉积的底部沉积物是否可能由于有毒金属和准金属可能释放到上层带而对环境构成威胁。获得的结果构成了有助于描述特定元素生物利用度的材料。它们还暴露了此类水库及其使用者面临的现有环境威胁。



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