首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy >Farm economic sustainability and agrobiodiversity: identifying viable farming alternatives during the economic crisis in Greece

Farm economic sustainability and agrobiodiversity: identifying viable farming alternatives during the economic crisis in Greece


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This study aims to examine the extent to which crop landraces (LRs) can serve as viable alternatives for farming within the ongoing economic crisis, especially for potential young farmers. A conceptual framework based on farm economic sustainability and the diversification strategies of farmhouseholds is applied to four different LRs. Drawing on original data from field surveys, the economic analysis shows that LRs provide various gains for local communities as well as a series of private benefits for the farmers involved in their cultivation. Many of the examined farms are economically sustainable, even with small farm sizes. The integration of LRs into both domestic and export markets and the embeddedness of LRs' products into the local culture and diet are two critical prerequisites for their onfar conservation. The examined LRs are low-labour-input crops, obtaining the necessary labour mainly from family members. An LR can be the sole cultivation of a farm, part of mixed farming systems, as well as part of various strategies pursued by farm-households to diversify their sources of income. There is scope for improvement, especially by ensuring the uniqueness of LR products, establishing new marketing channels and creating special brand names. Supportive policy measures are also discussed.
机译:这项研究旨在研究在当前的经济危机中,农作物地方品种(LRs)在多大程度上可以替代农业,特别是对于潜在的年轻农民。将基于农场经济可持续性和农户多元化战略的概念框架应用于四个不同的LR。根据实地调查的原始数据,经济分析表明,LRs为当地社区带来了各种收益,并为从事耕作的农民带来了一系列私人利益。即使农场规模较小,许多接受检查的农场在经济上都是可持续的。 LRs进入国内和出口市场的整合以及LRs产品在当地文化和饮食中的嵌入性是其远距离保护的两个关键先决条件。接受调查的LRs是低劳动力投入的作物,主要从家庭成员那里获得必要的劳动力。 LR可以是农场的唯一种植,可以是混合农业系统的一部分,也可以是农场主为实现收入来源多样化而采取的各种策略的一部分。有改进的空间,特别是通过确保LR产品的独特性,建立新的营销渠道并创建特殊的品牌名称。还讨论了支持性政策措施。



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