首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Economics and Management >Emissions reductions or green booms? General equilibrium effects of a renewable portfolio standard

Emissions reductions or green booms? General equilibrium effects of a renewable portfolio standard


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Renewable portfolio standards (RAS) are commonly promoted as a policy tool to reduce emissions associated with fossil generation, while also stimulating development of local renewable resource endowments. We develop a general equilibrium model of an RPS policy that captures key features such as a fixed factor renewable endowment, substitution across sectors of the economy, and endogenous price responses. We analytically decompose the effects of an RPS into a) a substitution effect, b) an output-tax effect, and c) an output effect. We show that an increase in the RPS can either deliver large resource booms or large emissions savings but not both. Our framework can translate different renewable resource endowments and preexisting standards across states into economic and environmental impacts to inform current renewable energy and climate policies. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:可再生能源投资组合标准(RAS)通常作为一种政策工具而得到推广,以减少与化石发电相关的排放,同时也刺激了当地可再生资源development赋的发展。我们开发了RPS政策的一般均衡模型,该模型具有关键特征,例如固定要素可再生end赋,经济各部门之间的替代以及内生价格响应。我们将RPS的影响解析为a)替代效应,b)产出税效应和c)产出效应。我们表明,RPS的增加既可以带来巨大的资源繁荣,也可以带来大量的排放节省,但不能两者兼有。我们的框架可以将各州的不同可再生资源end赋和现有标准转化为经济和环境影响,从而为当前的可再生能源和气候政策提供依据。 (C)2018 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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