首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental biology >Population biology of the largemouth bass, Micropterussalmoides from Goe-san lake, Korea

Population biology of the largemouth bass, Micropterussalmoides from Goe-san lake, Korea

机译:韩国歌德湖大嘴鲈Micropterus salmoides的种群生物学

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The population biology of Micropterus salmoides were examined in Goe-san Lake from March 2010 to February 2011. The development of ovary and testis was separated into 5 stages by the criteria. The ratio of females to males increased with total length. Females were sampled in slightly larger size and greater number. Mean size and age was greater for females (255 mm total length and 2.03 years, respectively) tnan males (227 mm and 2.44 years, respectively). Growth was described by 3 parameter von Bertalanffy model by otoliths as L_t = 459.01(1-exp[-0.126(t+0.416)]). The spawning season of M. salmoides was from April to June, with a peak in May by the gonadosomatic indices and the monthly proportions of female and male gonad stages. Ripe females were collected during the spawning period. Mean fecundity was 27656±1424 oocytes every female. Fecundity was positively correlated with total length, and it was described by mean fecundity 202.4 Total length - 38188. Higher fecundity well indicated that the largemouth bass has a flexible spawning strategy and has acclimatized well to Goe-san Lake.
机译:从2010年3月至2011年2月,在Goe-san湖检查了Micropterus salmoides的种群生物学。按照该标准将卵巢和睾丸的发育分为5个阶段。女性与男性的比例随着总长度的增加而增加。雌性的样本数量略大且数量较多。女性(男性全长分别为255 mm和2.03岁)和男性(分别为227 mm和2.44岁)的平均大小和年龄更大。用耳石通过三参数冯·贝塔朗菲模型描述生长,L_t = 459.01(1-exp [-0.126(t + 0.416)])。沙门氏菌的产卵季节是从4月到6月,在性腺体指数和雌性和雄性腺阶段的月比例中,5月达到高峰。在产卵期收集成熟的雌性。每个雌性的平均受精卵数为27656±1424个卵母细胞。繁殖力与总长度呈正相关,用平均繁殖力202.4总长度38188来描述。更高的繁殖力很好地表明了大嘴鲈鱼具有灵活的产卵策略,并且已经很好地适应了歌山湖。



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