首页> 外文期刊>Journal of enterprising culture >Responsible Entrepreneurs: The Network Effects

Responsible Entrepreneurs: The Network Effects


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By drawing from the social network literature, this research analyses relationships between strong and weak ties and network's benefits for personal success of entrepreneurs. The empirical analysis is context-based within a specific network where such multiplex ties are embedded. In particular, networks of entrepreneurs who adhere to socially responsible behaviour through activities in the Rotary International Organisation are examined. Prior research into entrepreneurship has shown the varying benefits of strong and weak ties for personal success. The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual model of strong and weak ties related benefits and their contribution to personal success to empirically test it within a specific network context. We identified the Rotary International Organisation as such a network. The findings of this study indicate that engaging in socially responsible behaviours through organised attempts, such as the Rotary International network, brings significant benefits for the personal success of entrepreneurs. The implications of our empirical analysis indicate that the socially responsible behaviour of entrepreneurs can be motivated through network enhanced joint values such as adherence to high ethical standards in doing business and advancement of an international fellowship of business and professional people.



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