首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power >Improved Three-Dimensional Crowning Profiles for Dovetail Attachments

Improved Three-Dimensional Crowning Profiles for Dovetail Attachments


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Dovetail attachments in gas turbines are subject to fatigue failures. These fatigue failures occur as a result of large fluctuations in hoop stresses near the edges of contact in attachments. The high hoop stresses available for fluctuating are, in turn, the result of high contact stress peaks near the edges of contact. One means of alleviating these stresses is via crowning. Such crowned configurations are inherently three-dimensional and consequently present some challenges to obtaining convergent contact stresses with finite elements. Such challenges are met in the work of Beisheim and Sinclair (2008, "Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Dovetail Attachments With and Without Crowning," ASME J. Turbomach., 130, pp. 021012-1-021021-8), and crowning is shown to reduce contact stresses by about 40%. The crowning profile used in that paper is the natural Hertzian profile of a segment of an ellipsoid. This note investigates an alternative profile with a view to increasing the area of contact, and thereby further reducing contact stresses. Converged contact stresses are obtained for both profiles, and demonstrate that the alternative profile can indeed reduce contact stresses by an additional 10%.
机译:燃气轮机中的燕尾榫附件容易出现疲劳故障。这些疲劳故障是由于附件中接触边缘附近的环向应力发生较大波动而导致的。可用于波动的高环向应力又是在接触边缘附近出现高接触应力峰值的结果。减轻这些压力的一种方法是通过隆起。这样的凸形构造固有地是三维的,因此对获得有限元的会聚接触应力提出了一些挑战。在Beisheim和Sinclair的工作(2008年,“带或不带凸面的燕尾榫附件的三维有限元分析”,ASME J.Turbomach。,第130页,第021012-1-021021-8页)中,这些挑战得到了解决。凸度显示可减少约40%的接触应力。该论文中使用的凸轮廓线是椭圆体段的自然赫兹轮廓线。本说明研究了一种替代方案,目的是增加接触面积,从而进一步降低接触应力。两种轮廓都获得了会聚的接触应力,这表明替代轮廓确实可以将接触应力再降低10%。



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