首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power >Derivation of Temperature- Estimation Equation Based on Microstructural Changes in Coatings of In-Service Blades of Gas Turbines

Derivation of Temperature- Estimation Equation Based on Microstructural Changes in Coatings of In-Service Blades of Gas Turbines


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A CoNiCrAlY-coated blade of an in-service gas turbine is analyzed, and a diffusion layer is formed along the boundary between the coating and the substrate due to the interdif-fusion in the middle and tip of the blade. Such a layer is not observed in the vicinity of the blade root because of a comparatively low temperature during the operation. Coated specimens are prepared from the portions of the blade devoid of the diffusion layers, and the specimens are exposed to a high temperature in air. On the basis of the increase in the diffusion layer thickness, an equation for estimating the temperature of the blade is derived. An analysis of another in-service blade with a thermal barrier coating is carried out. The aluminum content decreases below the bond coat surface due to Al diffusion caused by the Al-oxide formation. This results in the formation of an Al-decreased layer (ADL) along the leading and trailing edges. The ADL is not observed at the center of the blade chord. The specimens are extracted from the portions of the blade that are devoid of ADL, and they are subjected to a high temperature in air. On the basis of the increase in the ADL thickness, a temperature-estimation equation is derived.



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