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Optimization of the Efficiency of Stall Control Using Air Injection for Centrifugal Compressors-Additional Findings


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This study presents additional important findings to the results of the research paper; "Optimization of the efficiency of stall control using air injection for centrifugal compressors" published in the Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power in 2015 (Halawa, T., Gadala, M. S., Alqaradawi, M., and Badr, O., 2015, "Optimization of the Efficiency of Stall Control Using Air Injection for Centrifugal Compressors," ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 137(7), p. 072604). The aim of this study is to make a fine determination of the injection angle, which provides the best stable condition when the compressor operates close to stall condition. A relatively narrower range of injection angles with smaller intervals was selected comparing to the results of the referred published paper, which clarified that the best injection angle is 30 deg. External air was injected close to the diffuser entrance at the shroud surface. Injection was applied with mass flow rate equals 1.5% of the design compressor inlet mass flow rate with injection angles ranged from 16 deg to 34 deg measured from the tangential direction at the vaneless region. It was found that both of injection angles of 28 deg and 30 deg achieved the best results in terms of compressor stabilization but each one of them has a specific advantage comparing to the other one. Using injection angle 428 deg provided the lowest kinetic energy losses while the best orientation of the fluid through diffuser resulted when using an injection angle of 30 deg.
机译:这项研究为研究结果提供了其他重要发现。于2015年发表在《燃气轮机与动力工程》杂志上的“通过使用空气喷射优化离心压缩机的失速控制效率”(德克萨斯州哈拉瓦,密苏里州加达拉,密西西比州阿尔加拉达维和密西西比州巴德尔) ,2015年,“使用空气喷射技术优化离心压缩机的失速控制效率”,ASME J. Eng。Gas Turbines Power,第137(7)页,第072604页)。这项研究的目的是精确确定喷射角,当压缩机接近失速工况时,它可以提供最佳的稳定状态。与所引用的发表论文的结果相比,选择了间隔更窄,间隔更短的喷射角,这表明最佳喷射角为30度。在护罩表面靠近扩散器入口处注入了外部空气。以等于设计压缩机进气口质量流量的1.5%的质量流量进行喷射,喷射角度从无叶区域的切向测得的喷射角度范围为16度到34度。已经发现,在压缩机稳定性方面,喷射角分别为28度和30度均达到了最佳结果,但与另一种相比,它们中的每一个都具有特定的优势。当使用30度的喷射角时,使用428度的喷射角可提供最低的动能损失,而通过扩散器的流体的最佳定向则可实现。



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