首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Energy Resources Technology >An Assessment of Global Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Resources With a High-Resolution Ocean General Circulation Model

An Assessment of Global Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Resources With a High-Resolution Ocean General Circulation Model


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Global rates of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) are assessed with a high-resolution (1 deg × 1 deg) ocean general circulation model (OGCM). In numerically intensive simulations, the OTEC process is represented by a pair of sinks and a source of specified strengths placed at selected water depths across the oceanic region favorable for OTEC. Results broadly confirm earlier estimates obtained with a coarse (4 deg × 4 deg) OGCM, but with the greater resolution and more elaborate description of key physical oceanic mechanisms in the present case, the massive deployment of OTEC systems appears to affect the global environment to a relatively greater extent. The maximum global OTEC power production drops to 14 TW, or about half of previously estimated levels, but it would be achieved with only one-third as many OTEC systems. Environmental effects at maximum OTEC power production are generally similar in both sets of simulations. The oceanic surface layer would cool down in tropical OTEC regions with a compensating warming trend elsewhere. Some heat would penetrate the ocean interior until the environment reaches a new steady state. A significant boost of the oceanic thermohaline circulation (THC) would occur. Although all simulations with given OTEC flow singularities were run for 1000 years to ensure stabilization of the system, convergence to a new equilibrium was generally achieved much faster, i.e., roughly within a century. With more limited OTEC scenarios, a global OTEC power production of the order of 7 TW could still be achieved without much effect on ocean temperatures.
机译:全球海洋热能转换率(OTEC)使用高分辨率(1度×1度)海洋总环流模型(OGCM)进行评估。在数值密集型模拟中,OTEC过程由一对下沉和特定强度的源表示,它们位于有利于OTEC的整个海洋区域的选定水深处。结果大体上证实了使用粗(4度×4度)OGCM所获得的早期估计,但由于在目前情况下更高分辨率和关键物理海洋机制的更详尽描述,OTEC系统的大规模部署似乎影响了全球环境。相对更大的范围。全球OTEC的最大发电量降至14 TW,约为先前估计水平的一半,但只有三分之一的OTEC系统才能实现。在两组模拟中,最大OTEC功率产生时的环境影响通常相似。在热带OTEC地区,海洋表层将变冷,而其他地方的变暖趋势则有所补偿。一些热量会渗透到海洋内部,直到环境达到新的稳定状态。海洋热盐循环(THC)将大大增加。尽管所有具有给定OTEC流动奇异性的模拟运行了1000年,以确保系统稳定,但通常要快得多,即大约在一个世纪内,才能达到新的平衡。在更有限的OTEC情景下,仍可以在不影响海洋温度的情况下实现7 TW量级的全球OTEC电力生产。



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