首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Energy Resources Technology >Hydrocarbon Recovery From Oil Sands by Cyclic Surfactant Solubilization in Single-Phase Microemulsions

Hydrocarbon Recovery From Oil Sands by Cyclic Surfactant Solubilization in Single-Phase Microemulsions


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Extra heavy crude oil (bitumen) reserves represent a significant part of the energy resources found all over the world. In Canada, the "oil sands" deposits are typically unconsolidated, water-wet media where current methods of recovery, such as open pit mining, steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), vapor extraction, cold heavy oil production with sand, etc., are controversial due to adverse effect on environment. Chemical enhanced oil recovery (cEOR) techniques have been applied as alternatives but have limited success and contradictory results. An alternative method is described in this paper, which relies on the application of single-phase microemulsion to achieve extremely high solubilization. The produced microemulsion will be less viscous than oil, eliminating the need for solvent addition. Produced microemulsion can be separated to recover surfactant for re-injection. The work in this paper discusses phase behavior experiments and a flow experiment to prove the concept that single-phase microemulsions could be used to recover extra-heavy oils. Phase behavior experiments showed that the mixture of alcohol propoxysulfate, sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, sodium carbonate, and tri-ethylene glycol monobutyl ether results in single-phase microemulsion with extra-heavy crude. A flow experiment conducted with the same composition produced only single-phase microemulsion leading to 74% recovery of the original oil in place from a synthetic oil sand. Future experiments will be focused on optimizing the formulation and testing with actual oil sands samples.
机译:超重原油(沥青)储备代表全球发现的能源资源的重要组成部分。在加拿大,“油砂”沉积物通常是未溶胀的,水湿介质,其中当前回收方法,如露天坑开采,蒸汽辅助重力排水(SAGD),蒸气提取,冷重油生产与沙子等。 ,由于对环境不利影响,是争议的。化学增强的石油恢复(CEOR)技术已作为替代品应用,但成功有限和矛盾的结果。本文描述了一种替代方法,其依赖于施加单相微乳液以实现极高的溶解。产生的微乳液比油粘稠较小,消除了溶剂添加的需要。产生的微乳液可以分离以回收表面活性剂进行重新注入。本文的工作讨论了阶段行为实验和流动实验,以证明单相微乳液可用于恢复超重油的概念。相行为实验表明,醇丙氧基硫酸盐,二辛基磺酸钠,碳酸钠和三乙二醇单丁醚的混合物导致单相微乳液,具有超重的原油。用相同的组成进行的流动实验仅生产单相微乳液,导致原油砂的74%回收原油。未来的实验将集中在用实际的油砂样品优化配方和测试。



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