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Lithium Ion Batteries Drive Sany's 3-Year Plan for 1.5x Sales Gain


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Over the next three years, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. plans to expand its compact rechargeable battery business by 50 percent. The global market for compact rechargeable batteries in FY2002 reached about ¥620 billion. Sanyo Electric has nearly half of the global market with combined sales of nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) and lithium ion batteries, including lithium polymer batteries, totaling ¥270 billion in terras of actual sales in FY2002. The company predicts that worldwide demand in FY2005 will reach around ¥700 billion. Sanyo's target is sales of ¥400 billion and a double-digit increase in profits, says Mitsuru Homma, Officer of Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. and President of Mobile Energy Co. The company thus aims to secure control of more than half of the battery market. In April 2003, Sanyo Electric reorganized its corporate structure and established a new structure based on business units. Under this organizational reform, Sanyo divided Soft Energy Co. into two new companies. Soft Energy previously handled compact rechargeable batteries, photovoltaic cells and compressors. The two newly formed companies are the Mobile Energy Co., which is in charge of primary batteries, compact rechargeable batteries and battery-applied products, and Clean Energy Co., which deals with photovoltaic cells and compressors. Sanyo put these two companies under the new Component Group, which also includes the Semiconductor Co. and the Electronic Device Co.
机译:在未来三年中,三洋电机有限公司计划将其紧凑型可充电电池业务扩大50%。 2002财年全球紧凑型充电电池市场规模约为6200亿日元。三洋电机拥有全球近一半的市场份额,其镍镉(Ni-Cd),镍氢(Ni-MH)和锂离子电池(包括锂聚合物电池)的总销售额在2002财政年度的实际销售额总计为2700亿日元。该公司预测,2005财年全球需求将达到7,000亿日元左右。 Sanyo Electric Co.,Ltd.的总裁兼移动能源公司总裁Mitsuru Homma说,Sanyo的目标是销售额达到4,000亿日元,利润实现两位数增长。因此,该公司的目标是确保对超过一半的控制权。电池市场。 2003年4月,三洋电机重组了公司结构,并建立了以业务部门为基础的新结构。在这项组织改革下,三洋将Soft Energy Co.分为两家新公司。 Soft Energy以前曾处理过紧凑型可充电电池,光伏电池和压缩机。两家新成立的公司分别是负责原电池,紧凑型可充电电池和电池应用产品的移动能源公司,以及负责光伏电池和压缩机的清洁能源公司。三洋将这两家公司归为新的组件集团,该组件集团还包括半导体公司和电子设备公司。



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