首页> 外文期刊>Journal of education for library and information science >Information Vaccine: Using Graphic Novels as an HIV/AIDS Prevention Resource for Young Adults

Information Vaccine: Using Graphic Novels as an HIV/AIDS Prevention Resource for Young Adults


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HIV/AIDS infections are growing at an alarming rate for young adults. In 2009, youth, ages 13-29, accounted for 39% of all new HIV infections in the U.S. (Division of HIV/ AIDS Prevention, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 2011). South Carolina ranks eighth in the nation for new HIV cases, while the capital city of Columbia ranks seventh (Carolina Teen Health, 2012). Education and prevention efforts are needed to raise young adults' awareness of HIV/AIDS issues in order to reduce this troubling trend. To address this need, the researchers and a graphic illustrator worked with incarcerated students age 15-19 in the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice School District, to develop an age-appropriate, culturally-diverse graphic novel on HIV/AIDS, entitled AIDS in the End Zone. Phase I of the project was to create the novel. Once Phase I was completed, Phase II of the project began. During this phase, graphic novel book club interventions were held with young adults in public libraries in Columbia, South Carolina to measure knowledge gains and impact from reading the graphic novel. The purpose of this phase was to examine the role that graphic novels can play as a resource for increasing HIV/AIDS awareness among young adults. Phase II was funded by the 2013 ALISE Research Grant. The findings of the study are reported here. This study is the first of its kind to provide scientifically-based research that examines whether or not graphic novels can be an effective HIV/AIDS prevention tool for young adults. Implications for LIS education are discussed.
机译:对年轻人来说,艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染正在以惊人的速度增长。 2009年,年龄在13-29岁之间的年轻人占美国所有新感染HIV的39%(HIV / AIDS预防司,疾病控制中心(CDC),2011年)。在新发艾滋病毒病例中,南卡罗来纳州在全国排名第八,而首府哥伦比亚市则排名第七(Carolina Teen Health,2012年)。需要开展教育和预防工作,以提高年轻人对艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的认识,以减少这种令人不安的趋势。为了满足这一需求,研究人员和插图画家与南卡罗来纳州少年司法学区的15-19岁的被监禁学生合作,开发了一部与年龄相适应的,具有文化多样性的关于HIV / AIDS的图画小说,名为《艾滋病结束区域。该项目的第一阶段是创作小说。第一阶段完成后,该项目的第二阶段开始。在此阶段,在南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚的公共图书馆与年轻人进行了图形小说读书俱乐部的干预,以衡量阅读图形小说所获得的知识和影响。这个阶段的目的是研究图形小说可以作为增加年轻人对艾滋病毒/艾滋病认识的资源的作用。第二阶段由2013年ALISE研究补助金资助。该研究的结果报告在这里。这项研究是首次提供基于科学的研究,旨在检查图画小说是否可以有效地预防年轻人的艾滋病毒/艾滋病。讨论了对LIS教育的影响。



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