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Structural Reform of Social Security


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Governments around the world have enacted or are currendy considering fundamental structural reforms of their Social Security pension programs. The key feature in these reforms is a shift from a pure pay-as-you-go tax-financed system, in which taxes on current workers are primarily distributed to current retirees, to a mixed system that combines pay-as-you-go benefits with investment-based personal retirement accounts. Countries as different as Australia, Chile, China, Britain and Sweden have already adopted mixed systems of this type (Feldstein, 1998; Feldstein and Siebert, 2002). In the United States, President Clinton almost proposed such a plan (Elmendorf, Liebman and Wilcox, 2001), and President Bush has made it a major priority for his second term.
机译:世界各国政府已经制定或正在考虑对其社会保障养老金计划进行根本性的结构改革。这些改革的主要特征是从纯现收现付的税收资助系统转变为将现收现付制结合的混合系统,在该体系中,对在职工人的税收主要分配给当前的退休人员。基于投资的个人退休帐户带来的好处。像澳大利亚,智利,中国,英国和瑞典这样的不同国家已经采用了这种类型的混合系统(Feldstein,1998; Feldstein和Siebert,2002)。在美国,克林顿总统几乎提出了这样一个计划(埃尔曼多夫,利勃曼和威尔科克斯,2001年),布什总统将其作为第二任期的主要优先事项。



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