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Parental Education and Parental Time with Children


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Parents invest both material resources and their time into raising their children. Time investment in children is important to the development of human capital. It is also one possible mechanism through which economic status is transmitted from generation to generation.rnThis paper examines parental time allocated to the care of one's children. First, using data from the recent American Time Use Surveys, we highlight what we think are the most interesting cross-sectional patterns in time spent by American parents as they care for their children. (We will refer to the concepts of parental "child care" and parental "time spent with their children" interchangeably, though we discuss in the next section that the two measures might capture different things.) We find that higher-educated parents spend more time with their children; for example, mothers with a college education or greater spend roughly 4.5 hours more per week in child care than mothers with a high school degree or less. This relationship is striking, given that higher-educated parents also spend more time working outside the home. This robust relationship holds across all subgroups examined, including both nonworking and working mothers and working fathers.
机译:父母会投入物质资源和时间来抚养子女。对儿童的时间投资对人力资本的发展很重要。这也是经济地位世代相传的一种可能的机制。本文研究了分配给子女照料的父母时间。首先,我们使用最近的《美国时间使用状况调查》中的数据,重点介绍了我们认为是美国父母照顾孩子时最有趣的横断面模式。 (尽管我们将在下一节中讨论这两种方法可能捕捉到不同的东西,但我们将交替使用父母“儿童保育”和父母“与孩子共度时光”的概念。)我们发现,受过高等教育的父母花了更多钱与孩子共度时光例如,受过大学教育或更高学历的母亲,与拥有高中或以下学历的母亲相比,每周在育儿上的花费大约多出4.5小时。鉴于受过高等教育的父母也花更多的时间在家里工作,这种关系令人震惊。这种牢固的关系适用于所有接受检查的子群体,包括未工作和正在工作的母亲以及正在工作的父亲。



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