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Financialization in the Automotive Industry: Shareholders, Managers, and Salaries


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Automakers are facing a growing process of financialization that can be characterized by the preference to value capital through financial activities as more profitable than by productive activities. The aim of this article is to study the financialization of the automotive industry by analyzing the five largest automakers in the world: Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, General Motors (GM) and Ford. The profitability of financial activities was compared to that of productive activities; shareholder structure; share acquisitions; origin of top managers; compensation to executives; employee salaries; dividend payments to shareholders and employment. The results showed that increasingly more financial activities are fundamental to businesses dominated by major shareholders. Dividend payments have shown compliance to shareholder value maximization principles. Compensation to executives has shown that there is a layer of highly paid top managers, while in the workforce, salaries are below the average of the countries in which the automakers operate. The proportion of times that a CEO's earnings outweigh the average earnings of less skilled workers is hundreds of times. Employment has been changing, with significant increases in China, for instance. This article aims to improve the knowledge of this important sector of world industry and contribute to development of economic sociology.
机译:汽车制造商正面临着不断增长的金融化进程,其特征可以是:通过金融活动来重视资本比通过生产活动来获利更为可取。本文的目的是通过分析世界上五个最大的汽车制造商来研究汽车工业的金融化:丰田,大众,现代,通用汽车(GM)和福特。将金融活动的利润与生产活动的利润进行了比较;股东结构;股份收购;高层管理人员的出身;高管薪酬;员工工资;支付给股东的股息和就业。结果表明,越来越多的金融活动对于大股东主导的业务至关重要。股利支付已证明符合股东价值最大化原则。对高管的薪酬表明,存在一层高薪的高级管理人员,而在员工队伍中,工资低于汽车制造商所在国家的平均水平。 CEO的收入超过低技能工人的平均收入的比例是数百倍。就业一直在变化,例如在中国有了大幅度增长。本文旨在增进对世界工业这一重要部门的了解,并为经济社会学的发展做出贡献。



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