首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization >Domestic or foreign currency? Remittances and the composition of deposits and loans

Domestic or foreign currency? Remittances and the composition of deposits and loans


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This paper investigates the effects of remittance receipts on the currency composition of deposits and loans in the home-country banking system. For this objective, we first develop a simple model that links remittance flows to the decisions of households and firms with regard to the optimal share of deposits and loans, respectively, held in the form of foreign currency. We, then, examine empirically the relevance of the theoretical predictions for fourteen Central and Eastern European countries over the last two decades. Both the theoretical and empirical findings underpin the importance of remittances for the currency composition of bank's balance sheets, pointing to a mismatch between deposits and loans: remittances raise the share of foreign currency loans whilst they reduce the share of foreign currency deposits. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:本文研究了汇款收据对母国银行系统中存款和贷款的货币组成的影响。为了这个目标,我们首先建立一个简单的模型,将汇款流与家庭和企业的决定有关,以分别以外币形式持有的最佳存款和贷款份额。然后,我们通过经验检验过去二十年来对14个中欧和东欧国家的理论预测的相关性。理论和实证研究结果都表明,汇款对于银行资产负债表中货币构成的重要性,指出存款与贷款之间的不匹配:汇款增加了外币贷款的份额,同时却减少了外币存款的份额。 (C)2019由Elsevier B.V.发布



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