首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >Information as Spectacle: Second World War Exhibitions by the Ministry of Information

Information as Spectacle: Second World War Exhibitions by the Ministry of Information


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The Victory Over Japan exhibition opened during the heady days following the Allied victory in the Second World War. As one of a series of exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Information (Mol), with pioneering designer Misha Black, the Japan show attracted over one and a half million visitors in just four months. The Mol exhibitions were considered a primary means of wartime communication for the government, and Black's pre-war ties to continental figures like Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius via the MARS Group ensured that the propagandistic successes of the progressive exhibition designs of the 1930s were seized upon for the war effort. Japan combined simulated jungle-like conditions with modernist idioms, and used mixed media displays to create an immersive, sensory exhibition that could convince the public of difficult foreign policies through the construction of an 'official' narrative. This paper analyses Japan and other Mol exhibitions as a means of reflecting on the impact and influence of wartime exhibition design techniques. I argue that not only did the field of mixed media exhibitions develop throughout the war, but that it contributed in significant ways to the blossoming of modern forms of design and display in the post-war cultural arena.
机译:盟军在第二次世界大战中获胜后,胜利日展览开幕。作为由信息产业部(Mol)举办的一系列展览之一,与先锋设计师Misha Black一起,日本展览在短短四个月内吸引了超过一百五十万游客。摩尔展览被认为是政府进行战时交流的主要手段,布莱克在战前通过MARS集团与诸如勒·柯布西耶和沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯这样的大陆人物的联系确保了1930年代进步性展览设计在宣传上的成功为战争而努力。日本将模拟丛林般的条件与现代主义习语相结合,并使用混合媒体展示创建了一个身临其境的感官展览,该展览可以通过构建“官方”叙事使公众相信艰难的外交政策。本文分析了日本和其他Mol展览,以此来反映战时展览设计技术的影响。我认为,不仅整个战争期间混合媒体展览的领域都在发展,而且它为战后文化舞台上现代设计和展示形式的兴起做出了巨大贡献。



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