首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Ruminal Digestion by Dairy Cows Grazing Winter Oats Pasture Supplemented with Different Levels and Sources of Protein

Ruminal Digestion by Dairy Cows Grazing Winter Oats Pasture Supplemented with Different Levels and Sources of Protein


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Six Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulae were used in two simultaneous 3 ×3 Latin squares to study the effects of protein supplements on ruminal fermenta - tion and in situ crude protein degradability. Cows rota - tionally grazed a winter oats (Avena sativa L.) pasture and were supplemented with one of three concentrate supplements: 1) low protein sunflower meal (L-SM); 2) high protein sunflower meal (H-SM) or 3) high protein feather meal (H-FM). Concentrates (6.5 kg/d) were of - fered in equal portions twice daily during milking.
机译:在两个同时的3×3拉丁方格中使用六只装有瘤胃插管的荷斯坦奶牛来研究蛋白质补充剂对瘤胃发酵和原位粗蛋白降解性的影响。轮流放牧母牛-按惯例放牧冬季燕麦(Avena sativa L.)的牧场,并补充以下三种浓缩补给之一:1)低蛋白向日葵粕(L-SM); 2)高蛋白向日葵粕(H-SM)或3)高蛋白羽毛粕(H-FM)。在挤奶过程中,每天两次均匀地浓缩(6.5 kg / d)。



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