首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Effects of Whole Cottonseed Diet and Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin on Ovarian Follicles in Lactating Dairy Cows

Effects of Whole Cottonseed Diet and Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin on Ovarian Follicles in Lactating Dairy Cows


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The effects of whole cottonseed (WCS) in the diet and the administration of bovine somatotropin (bST) on ovarian follicular dynamics and plasma progesterone (P_4) concentrations were examined in cows during a period of synchronized follicular growth. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 28) were randomly assigned to treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Diets consisted of WCS (15% of dry matter) or no WCS, and bST at a dose of 0 or 208 mg/14 d. Dietary treatments began within 24 h of calving and bST treatments began within 7 d postpartum. Cows received GnRH at 65 +- 3 d post-partum (d 0), PGF_(2α) (d 7), a second dose of GnRH (d 9), and were inseminated 16 h later (d 10). Ovarian changes were monitored daily by ultrasonography from d 0 to 9. On d 9, 93% of cows had a preovulatory follicle and 86% ovulated. For Class 2 (6 to 9 mm) follicles, a diet x bST interaction was detected, with bST stimulating Class 2 follicles in cows fed WCS, but not in cows on the control diet. Neither diet nor bST affected numbers of Class 1 (2 to 5 mm) or Class 3 (≥10 mm) follicles or sizes of the subordinate and dominant follicles. During the luteal phase of the cycle, lactating cows fed WCS tended to have elevated concentrations of plasma P_4, whereas bST was without effect. Plasma concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were increased in cows fed WCS. Number and diameter of corpora lutea did not differ among treatments.
机译:在同步卵泡生长期间,检查了日粮中全棉籽(WCS)和牛生长激素(bST)给药对卵巢卵泡动力学和血浆孕酮(P_4)浓度的影响。泌乳的荷斯坦奶牛(n = 28)被随机分配为2 x 2因子分解处理。饮食包括WCS(干物质的15%)或不含WCS,bST的剂量为0或208 mg / 14 d。产后24小时内开始饮食治疗,产后7天内开始bST治疗。母牛在产后65±3 d(d 0),PGF_(2α)(d 7),第二剂GnRH(d 9)接受GnRH,并在16小时后(d 10)授精。从第0天至第9天每天通过超声检查监测卵巢变化。在第9天,93%的母牛排卵前的卵泡和86%的排卵。对于2类(6至9 mm)卵泡,检测到饮食x bST相互作用,bST刺激了饲喂WCS的母牛的2类卵泡,但对照饮食的母牛没有。饮食和bST均不会影响1类(2至5毫米)或3类(≥10毫米)卵泡的数量或从属卵泡和优势卵泡的大小。在周期的黄体期,饲喂WCS的泌乳母牛血浆P_4浓度升高,而bST无效。喂WCS的奶牛血浆高密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度增加。不同治疗之间黄体的数量和直径没有差异。



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